Monday, May 9, 2011

Urgent Prayers Needed

I know after neglecting my blog since Christmas, I probably have very few even checking it.  :(  But the Bible says, "Where two or more are gathered..."  I'm sure by now, even if you live far away from me, you've heard about the Mississippi River and all the flooding surrounding it.  Towns and cities are being flooded up and down the river.  This month is supposed to break records from 1937!  My little Louisiana town sits right on the Mighty Mississippi and flood stage here is 48 ft.  On the 21st of this month, it is expected to crest at 64 ft!  The highest I've ever seen it was when it reached almost 58 ft. in 2008 and it was mainly just up on the riverfront then~ not even to the buildings. Even though officials and the Corps of Engineers believe our levees will hold, our town is frantically working around the clock to build temporary levees around buildings on the riverfront and our water wells.  Some towns (in Mississippi and Louisiana) that are not even an hour away are already flooding.  A lot of our residents are fleeing for higher ground or, at the very least, are packing up family heirlooms, photos and other irreplaceable possessions.  That is where my husband and I are~ in the process of packing sentimental things.  No mandatory evacuations will be ordered unless the levee breaks or water comes over it.  You can see pictures or read more about it in our local paper
Yesterday, my Mother's Day was not spent with any of my girls (they couldn't come home).  It was spent digging through my closets and cabinets searching for pictures and other sentimental things.  I came across my children's old art and work from elementary school and spent hours reading old Mother's Day cards my girls had made and reading sentences formed in Kindergarten and written in little journals.  Very sweet memories.  In spite of our circumstances, God gave me a Mother's Day gift.  :)  (I also got a Kindle in the mail today from my daughter, Mallory and her hubby, Daniel.  Thanks, M & D!  I love y'all.)

Anyway, please pray for all those along the Mississippi and its tributaries.  We're just blessed to be given this time to pray and pack up our things.  Time that many recent disaster victims didn't have.

Unless God intervenes, it will be a long time before I get pictures of Leon (or anyone) on our Riverwalk.  :(
Not that that's important right now, but see what a pretty background our river makes?!  Now, between the walkway and those rocks everything has been dug up in order to make a temporary levee.  Just praying it helps.

I miss this sweet face!  Haven't seen him in two months and won't get to keep him again until we are out of danger.  I know all you grandmas out there will sympathize with that!  ;)


  1. Oh, man, Penny. I hope and pray the levees hold. I'm glad you get time to pack up sentimental items. Stay safe!

    Our new trailer home was washed away in the Platte river flood of 1965! This happened 3 days after we were married. It was a horrible way to start a marriage, but almost 46 years later, we can look back and see how the Lord protected all of us. The 'stuff' we lost was just 'stuff'.

  2. Thanks, Linda! We covet all the prayers we can get! Not just for our little town, but all in it's path~ which includes the little community where I teach and my students live. :(
    That's awful you lost your home right after your wedding, but can you imagine how much worse if you'd lost 30 or 40 years worth of pictures and things? Those are the only things I'm concerned with~ furniture, appliances, clothes, etc. even the house is replaceable. :) Larry's grandma is going to stay with his uncle (her son) in Austin until this crisis is over. She is 97! Probably packed her little apartment much faster than I am~ especially since she doesn't have facebook and blogs to distract her. lol

  3. prayers on your way..God bless you
