Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Pledge Heard Around the World (or at least OUR little corner of it)

I posted twice in March about my daughter, Shelbi, who has Selective Mutism. If you missed those, read them before you read this one or you might be totally unaffected. Go here and here.

About 400 people in our local high school witnessed, or least heard, a miracle today! Shelbi led the pledge and "moment of prayer or silent meditation." She had her entire high school in an uproar. The office staff, teachers, and the principal were all crying. Kids were whooping and hollering. It was amazing! A few minutes later, she went around the school to each individual class and said "hi." What a testimony of the goodness and grace of God!! Her principal got on the intercom after her and told the kids that Shelbi was the one they had just heard and made the comment that with faith and love anything is possible! How well I know that! When the principal attended an administrators' meeting later that day, he shared with them what had transpired in his office that morning. He told me that even people who didn't know Shelbi were in tears. Her elementary principal came by her school after that to talk to her. Other people's reactions to her speaking have always amazed me! I'm in total awe of what God has done in Shelbi's life and how she is being used to spread His message!

Now, I'm the one searching for words when I use this to witness to people. You have to start from the beginning for people to really grasp what a miracle it is for a 17 year to get on an intercom. =)


  1. I am so proud of Shelbi, even though I only know her from your blog.

    She has found her voice, and I'm sure she has a lot to say to the world!

    Look out, world, here comes Shelbi with her message!

  2. At the honors banquet last night, Mr. Brown spoke of something special happening at school today, but he didn't give any details or names. So I asked Cari about it on the way home. She told us about this. She was very excited for Shelbi too. It was nice to read your take on... you know from a mom's perspective.

    Thanks for sharing.

  3. It is so awesome! WE are so blessed to have Shelby in our lives!

  4. Okay that should probably say, "What God is doing through Shelbi amazes me!"

  5. That is Amamzing! I'm so glad you directed me to this miracle! I bet you were unbelievable proud, and it sounds like your daughter goes to an EXCELLENT school.
    Thanks for reading my blog. I'm becoming a 'follower' of your's right now. I look foward to reading your whole blog, seems very hope-provoking
    Love linds
